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Are period cramps simply a nuisance for you, or do they halt life for you for a few days?

If you feel this way, you’re not alone at all. Nearly every woman on this planet has at least once in her lifetime experienced Dysmenorrhea. Let’s see what this is.


Are you looking for Dysmenorrhea meaning? These are menstrual cramps that are caused by periods. You might experience it a few days before and during your periods.

You might be one of those lucky few for whom it merely is a nuisance, or you might belong to the group who feel pain which leaves them crippled. There are two types of Dysmenorrhea that you might be suffering with:

Primary Dysmenorrhea

  • Primary Dysmenorrhea causes regular menstrual cramps.

They are recurrent in nature, meaning they come back over and over again and are not caused by any underlying medical conditions.

Primary Dysmenorrhea symptoms include:

    • Pain that is mild or manageable
    • Pain that begins one or two days before your periods
    • Feeling pain in your lower abdomen, back or inner thighs.
    • Pain that lasts between 12 – 72 hours
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Feeling tired all the time</li
    • Diarrhoea

You might now be wondering, “ what is secondary dysmenorrhea” Let us see.

Secondary Dysmenorrhea

  • If you are experiencing Dysmenorrhea due to a disorder or an infection in your reproductive system, you might be suffering from secondary Dysmenorrhea.

    Secondary Dysmenorrhea Symptoms include:

    • Pain begins earlier than one to two days before your periods
    • Pain lasts longer than your usual menstrual cramps
    • You don’t feel nausea and vomiting or even tiredness or diarrhoea.


The place where a baby grows in your belly is called the uterus. It starts lining blood tissues to its walls to prepare a comfortable place for the baby to live in for the nine months of pregnancy. When you don’t get pregnant, the uterus sheds its lining of blood tissues because it is not needed.

You experience Dysmenorrhea or menstrual cramps when a chemical in your uterus called prostaglandin tightens up to help the uterus shed its lining. If your uterus contracts too vigorously, it can cut off blood supply to other muscles by pressing up against them. This temporary loss of oxygen can cause your muscles a lot of pain.

Pain in secondary Dysmenorrhea can be caused due to certain medical conditions, including:

  • Endometriosis – Endometriosis is a reproductive health condition in which the tissue which lines the inner walls of the uterus is found outside it. This tissue bleeds during your periods, causing a lot of swelling and pain.
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases or PID – PID is an infection which first spreads in the uterus and then moves to the other parts of your reproductive system. It can cause pain while having sex or pain in your stomach.
  • Fibroids – Fibroids are basically tumours, usually harmless, which grow on the inner walls, outer walls or the inside of the uterus.
  • Cervical stenosis – You might be suffering from secondary Dysmenorrhea because you have a structural deformity of having a small opening to the uterus or the narrowing of the cervix.


The good news is that both secondary and primary Dysmenorrhea treatment is possible and might give you a lot of relief. The bottom line is you should visit your doctor if you’re experiencing pain in your periods at least once to check if things are alright.

We have been conditioned to bear all the pain silently, and sometimes we might not be the best judge in such cases; consulting a doctor is much more reliable.

Your doctor might want to conduct a pelvic exam on you first. This will enable them to look for any lumps that you might have. In another test, they would insert an instrument that will allow them to see inside your vagina, cervix and uterus. They might want to have a sample of your vaginal fluids for testing.

If your doctor thinks you might be suffering from secondary Dysmenorrhea, you might need additional tests, such as ultrasound and laparoscopy. If they find a medical condition, you will be treated accordingly.

Dysmenorrhoea treatment of mild symptoms can be done at home with a few simple tricks, including:

  • Pop an over-the-counter pill for mild abdominal cramps
  • Make use of a hot water pad to help with the pain. Place it on your back or lower abdomen.
  • Take breaks whenever you need them
  • Strictly avoid smoking and drinking
  • Avoid foods with caffeine
  • Massaging your lower back and abdomen might help relieve the pain
  • Exercising can help reduce pain

Some doctors suggest taking oral contraceptives for the pain (consult your doctor before doing this).

While you can’t entirely prevent menstrual cramps, having a good lifestyle can help tremendously. You don’t have to put your life on hold and stop going to school, work or keep yourself from other activities during your periods. Periods do not have to be uncomfortable.

We understand this. RIO has sanitary pads that are so comfortable you will not even know they are there. It is made up of material that absorbs all the wetness and clots to give you a dry feel and keep you from rashes and irritation. With double wings, you are doubly protected. All RIO Pads are sulphur, paraben and chemical fragrance-free.

Better your period with RIO!

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