Go With The Flow


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Menopause is the stage of your life when you reach the end of your menstrual journey. As you age, your ovaries start producing less estrogen and progesterone, reproductive hormones which are also responsible for menstruation. Menopause is a biological process, common and natural to every woman. Women who reach menopause are usually in their 40s and 50s. 

Rosie Fernandes (51 years) has been suffering from the terrible symptoms of menopause for 2.5 years now. Her periods prior to menopause were spent in discomfort, itching, and irritation, but not since she decided to better her period and chose RIO. This is what she has to tell you, “I used regular sanitary napkins all my life and never knew that periods didn’t have to be this uncomfortable! I used RIO once and have never gone back to anything else since. I wish to have discovered it sooner!”

Make sure your last few months’ periods are spent in utter comfort with RIO Regular Flow Pads. All RIO pads are 100% sulphur, paraben, and chemical fragrance-free. We are absorbency specialists! Our extra-long, super-soft, ultra-absorbent pads soak up your blood clots and all your period woes. 

Menopause is usually diagnosed when a woman has gone at least 12 months without menstruation. Reaching menopause can sometimes take years; you might experience these symptoms in the years leading up to it:

  • Dryness in your vagina
  • Irregularities in your period cycle
  • Mood swings
  • Problem in sleeping
  • A slower metabolism rate and weight gain
  • Changes in your sex drive
  • Hot flashes or feeling warmth all over your body and sweating
  • Depression

Symptoms can vary for different women, but irregularities in periods remain a common one.


Many of you might be sighing with relief already. Thinking, what joy menopause is! But it isn’t as merry as it sounds. Menopause brings with it a lot of other health complications like:

  • Cardiovascular diseases- Due to a reduction in the levels of estrogen production, you are at a higher risk of heart diseases and diseases of the blood vessel. 
  • Urinary Incontinence- The muscles in your vagina and urethra become loose. Due to this, you might feel a sudden and intense need to urinate, and in frequent intervals of time. Sometimes, not reaching the bathroom in time could lead to the involuntary passing of urine. Wetting of pants can happen even while doing small things like laughing, sneezing, and coughing. 
  • Weight gain- You might gain a lot of extra weight after menopause because the metabolism rate slows down. You need to stick to a nutritious diet and exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Sex life- Your vagina becomes dry, and your appetite for sex goes down severely. Due to a loss of elasticity and little to no moisture being produced in the vagina, sexual intercourse can become painful or be really uncomfortable. 
  • Osteoporosis- It is a medical condition where the bones become fragile and weak. In the first few years after menopause, bone density decreases, causing you to have fractures in your bones. 


You should visit a doctor if you think you are approaching menopause. Your doctor will conduct blood tests to check levels of estradiol, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), thyroid hormones, etc. 

Menopause is a natural process, and you might not even need a menopause treatment as the symptoms go away on their own in some time.

If they are causing problems, you can do the following:

  • Hormone replacement therapy (HRH) – a substitution for the hormones your body is no longer making 
  • Topical hormone therapy – is an estrogen cream or gel that helps with the dryness in your vagina
  • Non-hormone medications like depression drugs, nerve drugs, or pills for blood pressure
  • Vitamin D tablets to increase bone density and help with osteoporosis



By making a few simple lifestyle changes, you can make a huge difference. You don’t need complicated menopause treatment guidelines as these steps are easy enough to follow at home:

  • EATING- Eating a healthy, nutritious diet is important and the key to avoiding hot flashes.  
  • EXERCISING- Exercise on a daily basis to stay fit, active, and maintain weight. It will also help in getting a good night’s sleep.

Perform Kegel exercises to help with urinary incontinence and make your pelvic floor muscles strong and firm.

  • ALCOHOL- Limit your alcohol intake to sleep better and lower your chances of getting breast cancer.
  • SMOKING- Smoking, indeed, is injurious to health, especially for a woman going through menopause. Quit it all together to be able to sleep well at night and prevent hot flashes.
  • SOCIALISING- Staying active both socially and mentally will help you deal with any problems of memory loss that you might face.

There are no conclusive scientific studies to prove it, but many experts recommend eating and drinking soy products to help with menopausal symptoms.

Physical activities like yoga, tai chi, and acupuncture are also great for managing menopause symptoms. 

The best remedy is to try and relax, meditate as much as you can and not lose your peace of mind over things easily. 

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