Go With The Flow
The Link Between Feminine Hygiene and UTIs: Understanding, Prevention, and Tips
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ToggleWhen it comes to feminine health, urinary tract infections (UTIs) can be a real nuisance. Being one of the most common infections a woman can get, women know all too well about having a urinary tract infection (UTI). Whether you find your pee smelling like a kitty litter box or burning like crazy, a UTI usually likes to make itself known.
A UTI is a condition in which pesky bacteria get up and inside your urethra, urinary tract, or kidneys, and cause an infection. This results in uncomfortable urine infection symptoms such as a burning sensation during urination, frequent bathroom trips, and even changes in urine colour and odour.
In this blog, we’ll explore the connection between feminine hygiene and UTIs with a mix of knowledge and practical tips for preventing UTIs. Did we mention that contracting a UTI once increases your risk of getting repeated infections in the future? Yeah…
So, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of feminine hygiene and its vital role in preventing UTIs.
Maintaining a Healthy Vaginal Microbiome
Say hello to the VIPs of your nether regions: the vaginal microbiome! Picture your vaginal microbiome as a bustling metropolis, with a diverse population of helpful bacteria that act as the guardians of your intimate health. These helpful bacteria produce lactic acid, creating an acidic environment that helps fend off harmful pathogens and maintain a healthy pH balance.
How can you support them? Steer clear of harsh feminine hygiene products and incorporate probiotic-rich foods into your diet, such as yogurt and buttermilk. Your lady parts will appreciate the extra love!
Practicing Proper Wiping Technique
Wiping technique may not be the most exciting topic, but it’s essential. The fundamental rule of proper wiping technique is simple but crucial: always wipe from front to back. Why is this so important? Well, let’s take a little anatomy class.
The urethra, which is the tube that connects the bladder to the outside world, is located really close to the anus. By wiping from front to back, you prevent unwanted bacteria from the anal region from taking an unplanned journey into your urinary tract, where they can cause trouble and this way you’re not dragging germs and bacteria around.
Choosing the Right Feminine Hygiene Products
When it comes to intimate hygiene, the choices you make in selecting the right products can have a significant impact on your urinary tract health.
When it comes to selecting the right feminine hygiene products, keep these essential tips in mind:
- Opt for sanitary pads that are comfortable, absorbent; and change them regularly.
- Only go for pH balanced cleansers specially formulated for intimate use. Using harsh soaps or regular body washes can disrupt the delicate balance of the vulvo-vaginal area, making it easier for bacteria to thrive.
- Skip any feminine hygiene product that promises tropical paradise scents. Your urinary tract prefers its own natural fragrance, trust us on this one!
- When it comes to lubricants, look for water-based or silicone-based lubricants that are free from additives, fragrances, and irritating ingredients.
Pro tip: Regular water works wonders as intimate cleansers too.
The Impact of Douching on UTI Risk
Ah, douching? Who invited this guy!?
Douching, for those unfamiliar with the term, refers to the practice of rinsing or cleansing the vaginal area with a liquid solution. Some people believe that douching helps maintain cleanliness and freshness, but the truth is, it can actually do more harm than good when it comes to UTI prevention.
When you douche, you disrupt the vaginal microbiome and leave the door wide open for harmful bacteria to wreak havoc. But wait, there’s more!
Douching not only increases the risk of UTIs but also raises the likelihood of other vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. It’s about time we bid farewell to this harmful practice.
Hydration and UTI Prevention
One of the primary benefits of staying hydrated is increased urination. When you drink plenty of water, your body produces a higher volume of urine. This promotes more frequent urination, which helps flush out any bacteria that may have entered the urinary tract.
Furthermore, staying hydrated ensures that your urine is adequately diluted. Diluted urine has a lower concentration of waste products and bacteria, making it less favourable for bacterial growth. Finally, staying hydrated supports a robust immune response, further reducing the risk of UTIs.
The Connection Between Sexual Activity and UTIs: Tips for Prevention
The infection of the urinary bladder, one of the most common types of UTIs, is often described as ‘honeymoon cystitis’ because frequent vaginal intercourse increases the risk of bacteria entering the urethra and causing an infection. Such is the relation between pleasure and UTI risk.
But don’t worry, we’re not here to rain on the parade of passion. We just want to equip you with some knowledge and strategies to minimize the risk.
- First and foremost, both you and your partner should ensure that you’ve washed your hands thoroughly before engaging in any intimate activities.
- Next up, urinate before and after sexual activity. By emptying your bladder before getting comfy, you help flush out any bacteria that might have found their way into the urinary tract. And after the deed is done, a post-coital trip to the bathroom helps clear out any lingering bacteria, minimizing the chances of an unwelcome infection.
- Another handy tip is to consider using barrier methods, such as condoms, which can act as a physical barrier, reducing the risk of bacteria making their way to the urethra.
- Lastly, be generous with lubricants. Insufficient lubrication can lead to friction and irritation, increasing the risk of micro-tears in the delicate tissues. These tiny tears can create an entry point for bacteria.
By incorporating these simple tips into your intimate adventures, you can confidently navigate the realm of passion, pleasure, and prevention.
When to Seek Medical Help for Recurring UTIs?
If you find yourself dealing with recurring UTIs like a seasoned warrior, it’s time to wave the white flag and seek medical advice for a personalised UTI treatment.
While occasional UTIs can often be managed with home remedies and preventive measures, there are situations where consulting a doctor becomes necessary. Here are some indicators that it’s time to schedule that appointment:
- You have three or more UTIs within a year, it’s time to consult a doctor for further evaluation.
- You’re experiencing intense pain, systemic symptoms that affect the entire body such as fever or vomiting, or your symptoms are worsening.
- Home remedies aren’t providing relief or preventing UTIs.
Well, ladies, we’ve reached the end of our blog. Feminine hygiene and UTI prevention go hand in hand and by practicing good hygiene habits, choosing the right products, and embracing healthy habits like proper hydration, you can reduce the risk of unwelcome UTIs. Cheers to a happy and UTI-free journey ahead
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